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Sunday, November 15, 2015

2 Years in a Few Pictures

This post has been 2 years in the making.  Rather than try to type everything up and hope someone reads each post, we're summarizing the period with a few pictures - in order from newest to oldest.  In short, we've added a beautiful little girl to our family, Kate Beverly, spent some wonderful time with family and friends and moved to a new neighborhood.  We continue to feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family.  Enjoy a couple of pictures on us!

October 2015 - Ririe Princess Party

September 2015 - Fall Family Pictures - Emily Smith Photogprahy

September 2015 - Fall Family Pictures - Emily Smith Photogprahy

May 2015 - Visiting Grandpa Ririe - San Franciso

May 2015 - Visiting Grandpa Ririe - Mt. Tamalpais

May 2015 - Visiting Grandpa Ririe - Bodega Bay
May 2015 - Visiting Grandpa Ririe - Muir Woods (Redwoods)

May 2015 - Visiting Grandpa Ririe - Lake Tahoe

May 2015 - Lisa in Seattle - David's Medical School Gradulation

May 2015 - Lisa in Seattle - David's Medical School Gradulation

May 2015 - Lisa's Birthday and Mother's Day

May 2015 - Hiking up Corner Canyon

April 2015 - Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point

April 2015 - Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point

February 2015 - Surprise visit from the President & Sister Jenkins

February 2015 - A Night with Grandpa Merrill

January 2015 - Kate's Baby Blessing

December 2014 - Christmas Day

December 2014 - Christmas Day

December 2014 - Christmas Eve

December 2014 - Meeting Santa
December 2014 - Merry Christmas!

November 2014 - Kate Beverly - Emily Smith Photopraphy

October 2014 - Halloween

October 2014 - Kate Beverly Ririe is Born!

October 2014 - Kate Beverly Ririe is Born!

August 2014 - Missy's Mission Homecoming

August 2014 - Missy's Mission Homecoming

August 2014 - Lincoln and Benson's Birthdays

August 2014 - Bear Lake Ririe Family Reunion

August 2014 - Bear Lake Ririe Family Reunion

August 2014 - Bear Lake Ririe Family Reunion

August 2014 - Boating at Utah Lake

July 2014 - Jenkins Family Reunion

November 2013 - Family Pictures

November 2013 - Family Pictures

November 2013 - Preparing for Fall

October 2013 - Happy Birthday Matt

October 2013 - Lisa & Benson visit Mesa Arizona

October 2013 - Lisa & Benson visit Mesa Arizona

October 2013 - Halloween

October 2013 - Hee Haw Farms

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Idaho Siblings Weekend

Matt, Benson, Uncle Bryan (my brother) and I ventured up to Idaho for a fun and festive Labor Day weekend with the Jenkins siblings and their families.  Scott and Haley came from Rexburg, and Dave & Summer and Natalie & Scott with their families now live in the hub, Meridian, and who planned the entire weekend, hosted, and made it all happen!  Thank you!

We left on Friday afternoon.  The five hour drive was a little tricky for Benson since he no longer takes long naps in his car seat, and would much rather be out walking and exploring the world.  Matt is the best dad - he sat in the back for most of the trip entertaining and calming the little man - they make a great team.

We got to stay with the Tidwell's at their beautiful new home in Meridian.  Never a dull moment at that home!  Saturday we exhausted ourselves boating at Black Canyon Reservoir, a picinic lunch near the dock and playing in the sand on the beachy shore.  Grandma and Grandpa Jenkins joined us that evening to watch the BYU football game and for carne asada tacos at the Tidwells.

We went to church with the Tidwells on Sunday, had a wonderful dinner at David and Summer's that night, and a delicious breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa at their home in Nampa Monday morning (after the guys played a round of golf).  We even met one last time in Boise at Anne Morrison Park for lunch and to let the kiddos run around together.  Benson LOVED playing with cousins and it is fun to see the gap closing between Bennett, Benson and Macy as they mature.  It was difficult to say goodbye.  The only thing that could have possibly made the weekend any better would have been having Missy, Mom and Dad with us!

Clockwise upper left: Benson, Bennett and Macy playing in a pan of bubble solution (which ended up in their eyes - oops!); Benson embracing Bennett (or trying to go up the slide as Bennett was coming down - oops again!); G&G Jenkins with great grandchildren Collin, Macy, Ryan, Benson, Bennett, & Jason; Benson plastic spelunking; Summer & Dave; Aunt Haley & the Macy lady.

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Wonderful One!

Benson is 1!  His birthday was officially on August 22, 2013.  It is incredible how fast the past year has gone and how quickly this little guy has grown.  On his Birthday, Benson woke up to a beautifully decorated kitchen with stringers running across the ceiling and a nice big milar happy birthday balloon attached to his high-chair.  Lisa made some delicious blueberry pancakes with smoothies and Benson was in heaven.  That night, we made some Shish-ka-bobs and opened presents.  Of course we had to get him a BYU cougars shirt in preparation for the upcoming season.  Other fun toys followed as he curiously studied each wrapping job before carefully opening them.

That night, we took him Cold Stone for his first real dessert.  Mmmm.

On Saturday, we invited friends and family over for his cake smashing.  We originally wanted to see the kids playing out in the sprinklers, but the rain took care of those plans.  Hot dogs and mingling inside until the rain stopped.  Towards the end of the party, we dished up cake.  Benson put on a pretty good show.  He started out by testing the texture of the cake, massaging it with his hands and squishing it between his fingers.  After finally tasting it, he was willing to stuff a few handfuls in his mouth and even lean over to lick the plate clean.  It was so fun and Lisa did a great job hosting.

Here are a few things the Benson loves at this stage:
  • His Mom and Dad.
  • Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins.
  • Music - Especially the Piano.
  • Steering Dad's Car around the Cul-de-sac.
  • Smoothies, Pears, Blueberries, and Garden Vegetables.
  • Reading Books - or at least, page turning with whoever would hold the book for him.
  • Yelling "Hi!" to each and every person in the grocery store and bringing a smile to their face.
  • Walking, walking, walking.
  • Things with lights and noisemakers.
  • Laughing at himself in front of the mirror.
  • Bathtime. 
And so much more!

Benson has brought so much light into our home.  Since the day he joined our family, we have known that he belongs in our home.  How grateful we are to have this sweet, kind, happy spirit added to our family.  Each day brings a new adventure and a new accomplishment.  Each day brings a fun story to share.  And each day brings with it a reminder that the family is more important than anything else available to us in this live.  Thank you Benson for blessing our lives and letting us share your Birthday with you!

Here are some pictures...

August 22nd - Birthday with the Family

August 24th - The Cake Smashing

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Splash of Green

This summer has been so fun.  When we moved into the home we are currently in, the McFarland's informed us that the back yard corner was a phenomenal place for a good strong garden.  It had great soil and full access to the sun.  So, we decided to give a garden a shot.

We planted corn; lettuce and spinach; roma tomatoes, tomatoes on the vine, and sweet one hundreds; zucchini and summer squash; onions; carrots; red, yellow, and orange peppers; jalapenos; watermelon; cucumber; and pumpkin.  After a lot of early attention trying to get our customized irrigation system down pact, the garden took off.  At times, it was overwhelming - but it was also so delicious.  We are beginning to fully enjoy the garden and for every vegetable we pick, it seems another grows in its place.  Unfortunately our pumpkin plants started to get a fungus on the leaves, and in fear that it might spread to other plants, we decided to pull these ones early.  Benson especially loves to get out there and garden right along side us.  Hopefully someday we can teach him the difference between an edible vegetable and a delicious handful of dirt.