The weekend of June 8 we traveled up to Idaho for a farewell party with my parents' close friends and family. Aside from the party we went boating at Lake Lowell, cheered on nephews at a soccer game, played on the slip and slide in the yard, checked out Natalie and Scott's new home, and went swimming at the Price's (my sister in law's parents' home). Not to mention yummy food and homemade treats all weekend long. Matt had to go back to Utah Sunday to travel for work, so Benson and I stayed a few extra days to "help" my parents pack (which turned into more like: pack for two minutes and help Benson for half an hour, then pack for two more minutes and take care of Benson for another hour - OR - I pack for half an hour and my mom takes care of Benson). Ha ha! I guess we weren't much help, but it was so fun to be with Mom, Dad and cousins for a few extra days.
This was only the second time Benson has worn this "12 month" size swim shirt. Unbelievable that it is the same size as the swim shorts! I guess we need to be buying 18 month tops and 12 month bottoms.
A "quick" stop at King's Pro Tire shop on our way to Lake Lowell to repair a flat tire on the boat trailer - after driving on it while flat for about 7 miles, as evidenced by the photos!
Learning to wake surf...
More boating...
Swimming, parks and unbeatable Idaho sunset from Mom & Dad's front porch.
The next party occurred a few days later when the whole family came down to Salt Lake to be present for when my parents were "set apart" for their new calling, a Priesthood ordinance in the Church where you receive authority, direction, and blessings to fulfill a new assignment. Dad was set apart by Elder David Bednar, an Apostle for the Church, and Mom was set apart to be a full-time missionary by Elder Tad Callister, a member of the Quorum of the Seventy. It was an unforgettable experience to participate in that special day.
The next Saturday morning we picked up Mom and Dad from the airport and drove them to the Provo Missionary Training Center (MTC) where they stayed for the next week to receive training. It was a quick drop off in the parking lot, and quick goodbyes, but we did squeeze in a photo before leaving! They left from the MTC for Arizona on Thursday and we have missed them terribly already, but know they are doing great things in Mesa!
The next Saturday morning we picked up Mom and Dad from the airport and drove them to the Provo Missionary Training Center (MTC) where they stayed for the next week to receive training. It was a quick drop off in the parking lot, and quick goodbyes, but we did squeeze in a photo before leaving! They left from the MTC for Arizona on Thursday and we have missed them terribly already, but know they are doing great things in Mesa!
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