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Friday, June 14, 2013

Father's Day Gift

I found a fun idea on Pinterest (one of the few I've followed through with from the thousands I've pinned...) and decided to tweak it for my dad for Father's Day this year.  The original used the letters D-A-D with the kids holding each letter. Instead, I wanted to create a collage with the word GRANDPA and have each of the grandchildren holding one of the letters.  Only one problem - there are only six grandchildren, and to my knowledge no one is expecting another (anyone want to fess up before Sunday?).  So, since my parents will be serving a mission speaking Spanish for the next three years, we thought ABUELO would be appropriate for their new home.

I am no expert when it comes to photography, but Natalie and I had fun taking the pictures and Matt rescued us with Photoshop.  Some time I will post all the comical bloopers we encountered - they are comical.  Natalie will assemble them in a black rectangular frame and give it to Dad on Sunday, so we will update this pic with the final after she assembles it tomorrow!


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